I decided to write about these tips after listening to a podcast episode of the Huberman Lab, so thank you to Dr Huberman for the insight into these 6 tips:
1) Invest in a sleep routine
The amount of sleep you need varies from person to person but is roughly around 6-8 hours per night. It is a nightly investment and goes hand in hand with cognitive and biological functioning. Aim to go to sleep and wake in in +\- 1 hour gap and
routine. For instance, if you regularly go to bed at 10pm then this could be between 9pm to 11pm and the same for waking up. If you wake up at 7am, then the range could be between 6am-8am. Now we all understand why we feel so bad after a
2) Get some early morning sunlight
Sunlight sets your Circadian Rhythms. I think I will provide a link to that one, rather than explain it! Besides aiding our sleep patterns, morning sunlight also helps us to get enough vitamin D which is important for keeping our immune system strong. Moderate sun exposure boosts mood and positive mental health which is a value walkwithhazel was founded on. Darkness is also important and decreasing the amount of light before your sleep routine can aid better sleep quality.
3) Move, sweat and rest
Science says 180 minutes to 220 minutes of moderate exercise per week. However, I would strongly recommend daily movements and once a week of really getting your heart up and pumping. This does not have to be a gym session. Dancing around the house, using the stairs, gardening; whatever inspires you to move. One full rest day is important. Moving, sweating and enjoy your day off, all improve your mood and state of mind.
4) Nutrition
This section is not about aesthetic reasons to bulk or lose weight. We are talking balance. We are talking a sufficient number of daily calories to meet our daily requirements as humans. Think about quality nutrition that is not excessively processed or contains large amounts of sugars. Eat good, feel good.
5) Limit toxic interactions
Who in your social circles invests in your emotional bank and who taxes you? Distinguish between the two and limit the ones draining your resources. These interactions could be face to face and virtual. And it could even include the dialogue with
yourself. If you or others are withdrawing from your emotional bank, think about how you can make these interactions neutral or think about if you need this negativity at all. Set your limits. Do you want or need an emotionaloverdraft?
6) Increase your stress level threshold
Stress happens. We can condition our bodies and minds to manage stress. I will look at the physiological sign in another blog but stress affects long term mood and mental health. Deliberate cold exposure is a stress level threshold technique to learn how to keep calm cognitively when stress hits. Try taking a cold shower to increase levels of adrenaline. Learn how to stay calm and control your breathing. Stay in the shower until your breathing has regulated. This will remap the brain to keep calm when stress hits.
Of course, these tips must become habits which can take between 18 and 224 days to form.
Keep at it!